Top Reasons Why Startup Should Consider Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the use of software and hardware over the web. These services include servers, storage, software, etc. Cloud computing work quite the similar way any utility service work, you pay only for what you consume. Startups, midsize and large organizations, they all can take advantage of cloud solutions in Toronto . Listed below are the top reasons why startup should consider cloud computing. Minimum investment: Limited capital is usually one of the biggest problems for startups. They have limited resources and they need to invest it smartly. Cloud Computing is emerging to be an economical option for moss SMBs. With Cloud they do not need to make a significant upfront investment in acquiring hardware to set-up their IT environment. Not only setting-up Cloud is low on initial investment, it also is low-key for maintenance. Since there is no major hardware to manage or maintain, users are required to pay for just the usage. Scalability: SMBs require ...